Supplemental Medical Accident Insurance
Accidents happen, and unexpected injuries can lead to unanticipated costs that can strain your finances.
Supplemental medical accident insurance coverage, from Cigna, helps cushion the impact of an accident by providing a cash benefit that you can use for copays, deductibles, non-medical bills, and other expenses that your medical plan and other insurance do not cover.
When an accident that leads to injury occurs, you receive a cash benefit to use as you see fit, no matter what your medical plan covers. You can purchase coverage for yourself, yourself and your dependent children under age 26, yourself and your spouse/domestic partner, or yourself and your family, to meet your needs and budget:
- There are no age restrictions to enroll.
- Benefits cannot be reduced due to age.
- You, your spouse/domestic partner, and your children are eligible for the same benefit amounts.
You can enroll in this coverage even if you do not enroll in one of the AutoNation medical options.

Some Key Features of the Supplemental Medical Accident Plan
- Coverage is available for employees, spouses/domestic partners, and dependent children
- Guaranteed acceptance—no medical questions asked
- Benefits available immediately after your AutoNation coverage effective date
- Additional benefits paid for treatment of injuries received by a dependent child participating in an organized sport
- Health screening benefit included
- No benefit reductions after a certain age
- Portable—you can continue coverage if you are no longer an eligible employee
If you or an enrolled family member had an accident that led to an injury prior to January 1, 2023, you will need to file a claim with Aetna. Click the link below for instructions on how to file a hospital insurance claim with Aetna.
Health Screening Benefit
Associates in the supplemental medical accident insurance are eligible to earn a $65 health screening benefit once per year, per member, per plan.
For example, if my spouse/domestic partner and I are enrolled in the plan and we complete one health screening each that qualifies for the benefit (such as the MSRP Biometric Screening), we can submit the claim, and we would get $130 in health screening benefits for that year.
*Critical illness and/or supplemental hospital insurance are eligible for a $50 health screening benefit.
Make sure to review the “Approvable Health Screenings” for each of the plans that you have; the list varies slightly by plan.

Additional Resources
Below you will find the member portal where you can find additional information and the certificate of coverage.