Identity Theft Program

Beginning January 1, 2024, NortonLifeLock will be AutoNation’s new identity theft provider. Learn more about what NortonLifeLock has to offer.

NortonLifeLock is AutoNation’s new identity theft provider.
Check out all the tools and features NortonLifeLock offers to keep your identity safe:

Identity Theft Protection
Monitors your personal information for any potentially fraudulent usage and helps you resolve ID theft issues.
Privacy Monitor
Helps to keep your information private by scanning common public search sites that people use to find your personal information and by helping you opt out of them.
Device Security
Protects against existing and potential malware threats and helps protect your private and financial information online.
Social Media Monitoring
Notifies you of any suspicious links, inappropriate content, and account takeover attempts.
Parental Control
Helps your kids explore the web more safely by keeping parents informed about the sites that kids visit and by blocking harmful or inappropriate websites.
Much More!
Connect with real, live agents 24/7, review and manage alerts while on the go with the mobile app, get up to $1 million in protection against identity theft, and more.

Identity Theft Facts

  • Identity theft happens once every 2 seconds. 
  • 33% of adults in the U.S. experience at least one identity theft. 
  • You are more likely to have your identity stolen than your car taken or home burglarized. 
  • The average time spent repairing damage from identity theft is 330 hours. 
  • Your children are also susceptible to identity theft. Since minors are not actively applying or monitoring their credit, their identities become easy prey for identity thieves.

Download the App

Use this Norton LifeLock Identity app on your mobile device, and monitor your accounts, address important alerts on the go, and view credit reports and scores in an instant.

Download the app from the Apple or Android app store.